Why CompassionateSocieties.org?
Behind the naming of our website lies the conviction that one of the most serious deficits in the world today is the lack of compassion. Caring, kindness, sharing, empathy, and generosity, are values that capture the essence of compassion. They all spring from the desire to minimize suffering. Biproducts of compassion are peace, health, collective responsibility and happiness, to name only a few of the benefits of the practice of compassion. CompassionateSocieties.org can be a refuge for those who desire to learn or get invigorated about compassion, from self-compassion to world-compassion.
While some think of compassion as only an emotion or a state of mind, truly authentic compassion takes action. Compassionate action necessarily occurs in groups, communities and societies. When our societies have compassion deficits, it is harder for us as individuals to be compassionate. For these reasons this website focuses on societal compassion.
As we help each other through difficult times, we become compassionate societies. Hopefully this web community will facilitate that transition.
Of highest priority are actions to reduce the suffering of all living beings, especially our fellow humans. And because we care about the future of all societies, we respect and protect our natural environment. Humanitarian and altruistic actions flow from compassionate living, as does conservation for future generations.
Groups as Micro-Societies
Our hope is that from some of the group discussions on this website will emerge as micro-societies. Miniature societies can emerge frm group discussions. How to relieve human suffering in every society at every level can be a productive discussion topic. Such discussions cannot stay away from politics, but deep caring, not political activism, is our primary objective. Social policies should be considered as an outcome of genuine compassion. However, on this site we do not advocate particular religions or political parties.
CompassionateSocieties.org encourages, supports, and provides a sense of community for those who are trying to become more personally and politically compassionate. Wanting to make the world, and ourselves, kinder and more empathic takes knowledge, practice, and fortitude.
Site Overview
On this site, we try to meet those challenges by offering such things as:
1. Essays and research on personal, community, and societal compassion (under “Compassion Articles”)
2. Essays and research on applying compassion and humanitarian action to policies at local, national and global levels (under “Policy Articles”)
3. Reports, suggested books, links to important web sites, polls and surveys, and other information (under “Resources”)
4. Opportunities to connect with like-minded people in discussions (under “Groups”)
5. Connecting to other special people using social networking much like Facebook (under “Friends”)
6. A place to write your own blog entries and comment on those of others (Under “Blogs”)
Please explore our site; answer polls and surveys; log-in and participate in the group discussions and blogs; and be sure leave your comments. Above all else, please feel welcome!!
Contact Us
We welcome questions and suggestions. Contact the site administrator, currently Ron Anderson, by clicking on the “Contact Us” link in the footer at the bottom of each page on this site or click here.